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Calling Fellow Veterans

We’re growing and looking for good people!

Growing is our name

We exist to help fellow veterans. Plain and simple. Helping our brothers and sisters extends well beyond the financial transaction, we takWe are adding folks in a variety of roles and positions. Our team is 100% remote, and located all over the country. We look for quality of character, work ethic, tenacity, in stead of focusing on geographic location.  Looking for a new challenge?  

Check below to learn more! 

Hybrid Agent

Are you a producing real estate agent?  Looking for more control over your deals?  Looking to make more money per deal?  Lets talk!  

Hybrid Agents are Realtors that are also Mortgage Loan officers.  They are able to provide their clients better service, better communication, and a better experience by serving in both roles!  


Loan Officers & Relationship Lenders

Are you an experienced Mortgage Loan Officer?  How about an experienced Auto, boat, or RV lender? Commercial Real Estate or Business loan originator? 

 If so we’d love to talk!  We are always looking for experienced people to join the team! 

Ops Team Members

As we keep growing we need more and more experienced Ops team members to support our originators / relationship lenders. 

We look for outgoing, team oriented, sales and customer service minded people. 

Boots 2 Loans | Skillbridge

Are you a veteran or still on active duty?  Boots 2 Loans is a program we created to help you enter industry fully equipped with the tools needed to help your clients achieve their goals! 

Some Words From Our Team

"I found the Veteran Mortgage Team when I was searching for a VA Construction loan. After getting to know more of the team I was sold on the mission. As a Navy Veteran I can say I truly enjoy working with the veteran mortgage team. I have worked with other lending companies before, but none has ever been as rewarding. It is an honor to work with a team that specializes in VA loans but can also handle most loan products on the market including the niche Construction loans. We are a team of Veterans with a mission to help who we can into home ownership and I believe in the mission and our leader Ryan Hammer. It's been a wild ride learning new things but it's been awesome and grateful to be here."
- Tom S.
"When it comes to working for the veteran mortgage team, it is the exact opposite. You don't work for them, you work with them. There is no "I am better than you" even with leadership, we are simply a team. I have seen on continuous basis how other loan officer not one help each other, but encourage one another to succeed. The team dynamics is amazing and more along the lines of a military family, but without the drama and BS. Being in the military and working civilian law enforcement for over a decade, I have seen a lot of empty promises. Not with The Veteran Mortgage Team though. Leadership is always transparent and does more than any place I have ever work to help you succeed and grow. It is a pleasure to work with this amazing team and help grow our family in helping all of our clients be able to attain the dream homes. I have finally found my last job, if you can call something you enjoy doing so much a job!!!"
- Mike L.

Call Us

Whether you’re ready to apply now, or simply looking to explore your options, this is the easiest way to get started. Our all Veteran Team of experienced lending professionals stand ready to listen to your situation and give you No BS, No Nonsense, advice.

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